Early morning practice for a limited group of athletes (below) to meet in the morning at the track at 5:45am.
We understand not all athletes on the list below will be able to get to practice that early, but we know there is value in the group training together and the morning is the best time to do that this in this weather. We will need to be very time efficient in order to complete our workout by 7am to get cleaned up in the locker rooms for school.
All of our running will be done on the track for safety. We will plan to do Tempo Intervals (800-1200m repeats).
The following athletes are invited to attend. These are all experienced athletes. We have to limit the group for time efficiency and due to limited locker room capacity.
Emily Bird, Lexi Clark, Allie Clarkson, Jordan Henn, Julia Smaldone, Kristina Foster, Cameron Casey, Sydney Feitl, Emma Henderson, Maggie Jewell, Riley Buckingham, Raven Payne, Sophie Billiter
Dylan Ellis, Wade Balcom, Matthew Garrison, James Schroeder, Luke Chmielewski, Caleb Arroyo, Kalid Stewart, Jack Bradon, Joseph Boone, Nate Powers, Owen Morgan, Connor Gaesser, Ethan Pinnick, Andy Secor
Athletes should bring a water bottle and towel every day.
Bring items to shower, clean up, get dressed, and eat breakfast.
Prepare everything you’ll need tonight so we can begin our warmup at 5:45. Time efficiency matters!
Athletes may only attend practice if they have submitted the KHSAA physical form and the Eastern initiation paperwork. If the paperwork is on file and not expired from last year that is okay.
KHSAA & Eastern Paperwork:
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