Long Run Details if you missed this morning

26 Aug 2024 by Mike Horan

If you missed this morning’s long run, you should plan to find a treadmill to run this afternoon or run on your own in the shade tonight. We’ve had beautiful mornings so far. Plan ahead for Thursday morning’s workout.

Planet Fitness offers free summer membership (which lasts until 8/31): https://www.planetfitness.com/summerpass

Attached is a spreadsheet that gives instructions for those who did not atttend the morning workout. You should either wait untill the weather cools this evening or run on a treadmill to complete the workout. If you must run outdoors in the evening choose a cool, shaded route.

It also includes details about the Tuesday morning long run.
Some will start at 6am, others will start at 6:30am, as assigned on the page.

If you cannot attend in the morning, make plans for a long treadmill run tomorrow as it is expected to be hotter than today.

Cool mornings all week though!

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